effortlessly upright

move with ease

An upright posture through fascia mobilization


Through the Senmotic® fascia mobilization you achieve an upright posture. Bad postures like

for example, a hunchback and the Forward Head Posture are corrected. After the ten Senmotic sessions, many people experience themselves completely new: upright, more flexible and painless. Each client is treated individually with the pleasant tension-releasing Senmotic techniques. The ten 90-minute fascia mobilization sessions offer you the following benefits:


     ✔  Your posture becomes more upright

     ✔  You become significantly more mobile

     ✔  The risk of injury decreases


     ✔  You recover faster from work and sports

     ✔  The charisma becomes more self-confident

     ✔  You look slimmer


Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment for a fascial mobilization?

Call me on: +420 739 287 915 or write an E-Mail.

Senmotic Faszien-Mobilisation on the MotoGP racetrack Brno

During the motorcycle season from April to September, I offer Senmotic® Faszien-Mobilisation for numerous organizers on the MotoGP racetrack Automotodrom in Brno.



  Ringtraining / Schräge Lage  


  GH Moto

  Herrmann Racing


  Michael Fiala Motor-Sports 

  Matthias Meindl

  Max Riedo

  Roger Heinzer

  MM Driving

  Eder Racing

  HPS - Racing

  FR-Performance Motorradtraining

  Stardesign Racing

  BTR - Performance